The Global Ready Talent (GRT) is a talent development programme for students seeking meaningful internships in some of the most exciting areas in retail. The GRT gives you a head start in this dynamic industry with an opportunity to work for leading retail companies!

Let Singapore Retailers Association assist you in finding the ideal internship. Send in your interest today!

FAQ for Students

1. I am a student. Am I eligible to be part of the GRT?

To be eligible for an internship under the GRT programme, you must: 

  • Be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Be a full-time student from ITE, NYP, NP, RP, SP, TP, NTU, NUS, SUSS, SIT, SMU or SUTD
  • Should not be an immediate family member (i.e. child) of any key shareholder in the matched company
  • Only applicable for full-time internships, where the intern is required to work up to 44 hours per week

Find out more about the GRT programme at

2. Will I be getting an allowance and how much will it be?

Yes! The allowance differs based on your level. You can expect the following: 

  • ITE and Polytechnic students: ≥ S$800/month
  • University students: ≥ S$1,000/month

3. What is the deadline for submitting my interest for the GRT programme?

The GRT programme is available all year round! 

Applicants are advised to refer to your school’s internship programme schedule to ensure that you apply in time.

4. Do I need to seek my school’s approval?

Yes. While most schools allow students to self-secure their own internships, it is best that you check with your lecturer or programme in-charge for more details. 

You can also indicate your interest by completing the form below and we will contact you to discuss this. 

Alternatively, you can drop us an email at!

  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY