Welcome to the key representative body and leading Association which champion Business Development & Innovation, Internationalisation and Retail Talent Development for the retail community. At SRA, we strive to be the respected and collective voice of the retail industry and advance the interests of the retail industry via insights, education and strategic collaborations. As our member, you will:
- help play a fundamental role to drive Singapore’s retail scene towards the next level of innovation, service excellence and profitability
- gain priority access to grants , schemes and study missions to enhance your organisation’s core capabilities for business success and growth
- expand your network with industry leaders and players locally and regionally for strategic collaborations
- enjoy exclusive (and even complimentary!) invites to conferences, industry seminars, workshops and clinics and learn best practices and equip your company and employees with new knowledge and core skills to strengthen your business operations
- be connected to useful resources and services to transform and grow your business further
SRA offers three categories of Membership:
Ordinary Members : Retailers operating in Singapore with a physical store presence and/or e-tailers may join as Ordinary Members (B2C) with voting rights at Annual General Meetings. Annual Membership fees payable is based on Employee Size which includes a one-time Entrance Fee.
- Some benefits and perks of Ordinary Membership:
- Networking session
- Business matching
- Learning journeys
- Overseas study missions (eg : China Landing Mission)
- Events and Roadshows (Power Up Session)
- Local and overseas conference and exhibitions (eg : NRF)
- Exclusive invitations to events, community workshops, valuable networking sessions and ministerial dialogues
- Market intel insights and panel discussions (Focus Group Discussion)
- Complimentary listing of your company (with hyperlink) on the SRA website
- Exclusive access to selected grants, technologies and initiatives implemented by SRA
- Member only access to exclusive resource list for the latest trends & developments in retail
- Enjoy members discounts for EXSA Training & Award
- Enjoy member discounts on advertising opportunities on SRA communications platforms
- Member discount for rental of meeting rooms at The Aldephi. Please call SRA @ 6360 0188 to enquire about the availability
- 1-1 complimentary holistic advisory service provided by ITA
- Complimentary listing of product and services on Proxtera
- Invitation to SRA whatsapp channel
* GST is applicable for Entrance & Membership Fees. Membership benefits are subject to change without notice.
Associate Members: Companies not providing a retail product or service for consumers with us may join as Associate Members (B2B) with no voting rights at Annual General Meetings. These could range from real estate developers/agencies , mall managers/operators, software solutions companies, media companies and publishing houses, banks/credit and charge card companies, non-retail wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers, institutes of higher learning, private educational institutions etc. Annual membership subscription fees is fixed at S$750*. A one-time Entrance Fee of S$250* is also applicable.
Some benefits and perks of Associate Membership:
- Complimentary listing of your company (with hyperlink) on the SRA website sra.org.sg
- Exclusive invitations to events, community workshops, valuable networking sessions and ministerial dialogues whenever applicable and relevant
- Member only access to exclusive resource list for the latest trends & developments in retail
- Complimentary listing of product and solutions on RCSG
- Priority access and preferential rates to events/activities. Eg; NRF
- Events and Roadshows
- Networking
- Business matching
And more…………!
* GST is applicable for Entrance & Membership Fees. Membership benefits are subject to change without notice.
Affiliate Members: Foreign / overseas retailers and retail related companies who do not have any physical presence/operations in Singapore but are interested in tapping into our wide spanned retail network, may join as Affiliate Members. Like the Associate Members, they benefit from our services, but will have no voting rights at Annual General Meetings. Annual membership subscription fees is fixed at S$750*. A one-time Entrance Fee of S$250* is also applicable.
- Complimentary listing of your company (with hyperlink) on the SRA website sra.org.sg
- Exclusive invitations* to events, community workshops, valuable networking sessions and ministerial dialogues whenever applicable and relevant
- Member only access to exclusive resource list for the latest trends & developments in retail
- Enjoy aggregated discounts & savings on third party services
- Enjoy member discounts on advertising opportunities on SRA communications platforms
And more…………!
* GST is applicable for Entrance & Membership Fees. Membership benefits are subject to change without notice.
Please click here to peruse the Singapore Retailers Association Constitution and Rules to be observed by all members.