The Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP)  is an agency under the Tripartite Alliance Ltd, which is set up by MOM, NTUC and SNEF. We support both employers and employees to build fair & progressive workplaces. We have resources, tools, workshops, clinics, and publications to help employers implement good practices in their companies so that employees will benefit from it.

The Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) help organisations adopt fair and merit-based employment practices. All employers in Singapore are expected to adhere to the Tripartite Guidelines. The Guidelines aim to prevent discrimination at the workplace, as well as guide employers to adopt fair HR practices that benefit both employers and employees. TAFEP will look into all cases of workplace discrimination, even if they arise from attributes that are not cited as examples in the Guidelines.

To prepare companies for the impending enactment of the workplace fairness legislation, TAFEP has updated our online self-assessment tool in collaboration with IHRP for companies to quickly review how well their workplaces practices in adhere to the TGFEP. The Fair and Progressive Employment Index (FPEI), is a free online self-assessment tool that allows employers to evaluate organisational workplace culture and benchmark their practices against industry peers. After completing their self-assessment, companies will be able to review actionable recommendations and insights in their report to close any gaps in their workplace practices.

Do you face challenges in talent attraction & retention, or nobody knows that your company has good workplace practices? Have you heard about the Tripartite Standards (TS)? TS are a set of good employment practices that all employers should implement at their workplaces. There are currently 10 standards and they each cover various aspects of employment areas such as recruitment practices, flexible work arrangements, grievance handling and more. As a TS adopter, you can use the TS logo in your publicity and recruitment materials, giving you a competitive edge. You’ll be seen as an employer of choice, helping you to better attract and retain talent.

Government Accepts Tripartite Committee’s Final Recommendations for WFL

The Government has accepted the final set of recommendations by the Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness for the Workplace Fairness Legislation (WFL). More information on the Tripartite Committee’s 22 recommendations can be found at go.gov.sg/wflreport.