SRA Covid-19 updates – Updates on Phase 3 (Heightened Alert) Measures
July 7, 2021Updated safe management measures from 12 July 2021
Following the two stages of gradual reopening to Phase 3 (Heightened Alert) on 14 June and 21 June 2021, we will continue to calibrate the resumption of more economic and community activities. See Annex A for the list of the community measures.
Key updates to take note:
- Work-from-home continues to be the default. Social and recreational gatherings at the workplace will be allowed but must be limited to a total size of no more than 5 persons.
- Groups up to 5 persons will be allowed to dine-in at F&B establishments.
- Entertainment at F&B establishments, e.g. live entertainment, recorded music, and videos/TV screening, will continue to be prohibited.
- Patrons are reminded to adhere to all other SMMs, e.g. social distancing and keeping masks on at all times except when eating or drinking.
- Wedding receptions may resume, with no more than 250 persons is allowed with Pre-Event Testing (PET). For wedding receptions with 50 persons or fewer, PET will be required for the wedding party only.
- Gyms and fitness studios may conduct indoor mask-off sports/ exercise activities in group sizes of up to 5 persons
- With the gradual resumption of more economic and community activities, Jobs Support Scheme support for selected sectors will be tapered to 10% for two weeks from 12 to 25 July. Please refer to Annex B for the JSS levels of support.
Updates to Regular Fast and Easy Tests (FET)
As announced earlier, regular FET will be mandated for staff in higher-risk activities. From 15 July 2021, FET Rostered Routine Testing will be made mandatory for all staff in the following settings:
- Dine-in F&B establishments;
- Personal care services (e.g. facial and nail services, spas/ saunas, massage establishments, hairdressing, and make-up services); and
- Gyms and fitness studios where clients are unmasked
More details can be found at
Deployment of SafeEntry and SafeEntry Gateway for all supermarkets
From 21 July 2021, TraceTogether-only SafeEntry (TT-only SE) and SafeEntry Gateway (SEGW) check-in requirements will be re-introduced at supermarkets located within TT-only SE buildings with the same operating hours. Other supermarkets, e.g. standalone supermarkets, that have been implementing TT-only SE and SEGW check-in facilities will continue to do so.
Extension of financing support measures for enterprises
ESG has extended the Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) and the enhanced Enterprise Financing Scheme – Trade Loan (EFS-TL) for another six months from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. The parameters for both schemes remain unchanged – including the government risk-share of 70% as well as the maximum loan quantum of S$3 million for TBLP and S$10 million for EFS-TL.
For more enquiries, please call the our Enterprise Infoline at 6898-1800 or email us at