[MOH Update – 26 Dec 21] Adjusting our Approach to Manage the Omicron Variant
December 27, 2021The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has announced the following updates to adjust our approach in managing the Omicron variant:
▪️ Pre-event testing (PET) concession for unvaccinated persons to go to work under the Workforce Vaccination Measures will be removed from 15 January 2022.
▪️ Firms with employees that work onsite and are not already subject to mandatory rostered routine testing (RRT) may apply for 8 ART kits per onsite vaccinated employee for weekly testing over a two-month period if they require the funding support. Applications will open from 3 to 31 January 2022.
▪️ From 1 February 2022, COVID-19 vaccination will be a condition for the approval or grant of new long-term passes, work passes, as well as permanent residence. Vaccination will also be required when renewing existing work passes.
▪️ All passengers with 14-day travel history to Botswana, Eswatini, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe will be allowed to enter and transit through Singapore and will be subjected to border measures for Category IV countries/regions.
For more details, visit https://bit.ly/3sxNLzx